Walking into the Wind: Poetry, Recovery and Hope
Friday 6th May
6pm - 9pm
SOBAR - Cafe Sobar 22 Friar Lane Nottingham NG1 6DQ
We all feel the pain of the last two years, the need to celebrate what we have, to keep our resilience, strength and hope while, ‘walking into the wind’. Come and walk with us. Featuring four fantastic poets:
Sue Allen
Sonia Burns
Laura Grevel
Gail Webb
Hear work ranging from the personal, political and everything in between.
Plus, the chance to get involved with our open mic. Just sign up on the night. Come and share your poems of resilience, survival and celebration.
Donations accepted via Eventbrite or on the door.
We are raising money for Emergency Bleed Control Kits in memory of Byron Dion Griffin.
Artwork Credit: Sue Allen
(organised independently of NPF)