Nottingham Poetry Festival Attempt A Poetry Record


Saturday 15th June


Nottingham Central Library (outdoors) - Nottingham Central Library, 1 Carrington Street, NG1 7FH



Nottingham Poetry Festival aims to fill the streets with poetry and for once the poets are being literal! Come join us as we attempt to break the record for the longest street poem in the world. WE  NEED YOUR HELP.  Right outside Nottingham Central Library you can read the words as they are written live and take part in a truly unique poetry festival event. To be a part of this experience, you can submit your own lines of poetry online,  no matter your age and be a part of history in the making. Please check our website and social media on how to get involved. This event has been sponsored by It’s In Nottingham. 

This event has been supported and sponsored by It’s In Nottingham.

Event type and Accessibility :
Live, Wheelchair accessible

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