Vice Verses: Poets Perform Each Other’s Poems… In the Park

Saturday 8th June

4pm - 8pm

St Ann's Community Orchard - Ransom Road, NG3 3LJ

Pay What You Can

VICE VERSES: Poets Performing Each Other’s Poems, all outdoors in the glorious St. Ann’s Community Orchard, part of the stunning St. Ann’s Allotments site. Come an immerse yourself in the fresh air, as flowers bloom, with the hilarious, thought-provoking and uplifting experience of poets switching their work with each other, and games, including crowd participation. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to write your own poem, taking inspiration from the gorgeous surrounding area in a short workshop. There is disabled access to the site from an alternative entrance, although the terrain is somewhat challenging in some places.


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Event type and Accessibility :
Live, Wheelchair accessible

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